Find out all the latest news about welcoming Hong Kongers across the UK

“You are seen as a friend and they don’t care where you come from” - story of Wing
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“You are seen as a friend and they don’t care where you come from” - story of Wing

As our recent survey about BN(O) Hong Kongers reveals, almost all respondents (99%) said they intended to apply for settlement and also for British citizenship. Wing is probably one of them - just 2 years since they have arrived in the UK, Wing and his wife have already passed the resettlement (Life in UK) test. The friendly environment is an important factor to enable him to enjoy his new life in the UK.

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How cultural exchanges start in a bubble tea shop - a Hongkonger couple’s story
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How cultural exchanges start in a bubble tea shop - a Hongkonger couple’s story

Relocating to another country is a big decision: it’s not only about the differences in language and culture, but the need to start again building connections, support networks and career options. While some may try to find a job that reflects the expertise they gained back in Hong Kong, some may opt to start running their own business.

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“Coffee mornings help to build a relationship with the local community and are an opportunity to breakdown barriers.” - an example from a school in Berkshire
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“Coffee mornings help to build a relationship with the local community and are an opportunity to breakdown barriers.” - an example from a school in Berkshire

As students started to come back into the classrooms after the Covid pandemic related disruptions, many schools like The Forest Secondary School in Berkshire were also finding that due to the British National Overseas visa scheme, there was an influx of families arriving from Hong Kong in the surrounding areas with children they wished to join their school.

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“The moment they knew I could understand them it made a big difference” - how Canto speaking teaching staff can help Hongkonger students
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“The moment they knew I could understand them it made a big difference” - how Canto speaking teaching staff can help Hongkonger students

A motherly smile and twinkling eyes greet the students when they walk into the library at Comberton Village College in Cambridgeshire. Thanks to Mandy Siu, the Canto speaking librarian, this area of the school has become so much more than a place to read books or study.

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Empowering people to take on new challenges - how older Hong Kongers are being supported to settle in the UK
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Empowering people to take on new challenges - how older Hong Kongers are being supported to settle in the UK

It is not easy to build a new life in a new country, and it is even more difficult for older people who do not know the local language. However for Sally, who is in her late 60’s and moved to the UK from Hong Kong with her wider family including young grandchildren, the experience has been very different after encountering the ECHO radio project.

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“I can see I am doing something massive for their lives.” - supporting young people building up confidence and settling in through English class.
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“I can see I am doing something massive for their lives.” - supporting young people building up confidence and settling in through English class.

The newly arrived Hong Kongers have joined an English learning programme being run by the organisation Positive Youth Foundation in Coventry, which specifically aims to help Hong Kongers arriving in the area to be able to settle in well. The Youth Engagement Officer who is supporting and encouraging them to take part had a similar journey to many of the young people he now assists in his role.

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 “To me they are my family, I will do anything to help” - story of Hong, Candy and Marlene
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“To me they are my family, I will do anything to help” - story of Hong, Candy and Marlene

Hong and his wife Candy left Hong Kong in the winter of 2021, travelling over 6,000 miles to start a new life in Northern Ireland. As their second Christmas here fast approaches they are enjoying taking part in lots of festive activities from wreath making to admiring the indoor trees and lights, something that is a rare sight back in Hong Kong.

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Janet’s story
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Janet’s story

Janet and her husband Hin arrived in the UK in August 2021. They came with mixed emotions: from excitement at the possibility of new adventures and regaining their freedom of speech to anxieties around their ability to speak English, education for their children and differences in cultural behaviours

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Peggy’s Story
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Peggy’s Story

Peggy moved from Hong Kong with her husband and two young children to start a new life in Britain. Arriving in Reading in the middle of winter, the warm welcome Peggy has received from a local community café, now offering support to recent Hong Kong arrivals, has helped her to feel more at home. 

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